Saturday, September 24, 2011


There is nothing I can give you which you have not,
but there is much that while I cannot give you,
you can take:

No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in today.
Take Heaven.

No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present instant.
Take Peace.

The gloom of the world is but a shadow.,
behind it, yet within reach, is joy.
Take joy.

It is easy to be pleasant
When life flows by like a song,
But the man worth while is one who will smile,
When everything goes dead wrong.

For the test of the heart is trouble,
And it always comes with the years,
And the smile that is worth the praises of earth
Is the smile that shines through the tears.

~ * ~ ~ * ~ ~ * ~ ~ * ~

Happiness is possible only when one is busy. The body must toil,
the mind must be occupied, and the heart must be satisfied.
Those who do good as opportunity offers are sowing seed all the time,
and they need not doubt the harvest.

~ * ~ ~ * ~ ~ * ~ ~ * ~

I have noticed that folks are generally about as happy as they have made up their minds to be.


If you want to be happy,
Begin where you are,
Don't wait for some rapture
That's future and far.
Begin to be joyous, begin to be glad
And soon you'll forget
That you ever were sad.

A smile is cheer to you and me.
The cost is nothing - it's given free.
It comforts the weary - gladdens the sad.
Consoles those in trouble - good or bad.
To rich and poor - beggar or thief.
It's free to all of any belief.
A natural gesture of young and old.
Cheers on the faint - disarms the bold.
Unlike most blessings for which we pray.
It's one thing we keep when we give it away.

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