But the fruit of the Spirit is love,
joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness,
goodness, faith, meekness, temperance:
against such there is no law.
Galatians 5:22-23
~ * ~ The kindly word that falls today may bear its fruit tomorrow. ~ * ~
~ * A good manner springs from a good heart,
and fine manners are the outcome of unselfish kindness. * ~
~*~ Every noble life leaves the fiber of it interwoven in the wool of the world. ~*~
* One whom influences the thought of their time,
influences the thought of all the times that follow.
* Speech may sometimes do harm.,
but so may silence and a worse harm at that.
No insult ever caused so deep a wound
as a tenderness expected and withheld.,
and no spoken indiscretion was ever so bitterly regretted,
as the word that one did not speak.
~*~ Though another may have more money, beauty, brains than you., ~*~
yet when it comes to the rarer spiritual values such as charity,
self sacrifice, honor, nobility or heart, you have an equal chance
with everyone to be the most beloved and honored of all people.
* What lies behind us and what lies before us
are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
We search the world for truth, we cull..
The good, the true, the beautiful.,
From graven stone and written scroll.,
And all old flower fields of the soul..
And, weary seekers of the best.,
We come back laden from our quest.,
To find that all the sages said..
Is in the Book our mothers read.
Do all the good you can.
By all the means you can.
In all the ways you can.
At all the times you can.
To all the people you can.
As long as ever you can.
* Good nature will always supply the absence of beauty.,
but beauty cannot supply the absence of good nature.
~*~ I have resolved never to do anything ~*~
which I should be afraid to do
if it were the last hour of my life
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark.
The real tragedy of life is those who are afraid of the Light.
** Everything has been thought of before..
the difficulty is to think of it again.
* May you live all the days of you're life
For we must share if we would keep.
That blessing from above.,
Ceasing to give, we cease to have,
Such is the law of love.
Let us be the first to give a friendly sign,
to nod first, to smile first, speak first and -
if such a thing is necessary.. forgive first.
Kindness cannot be wasted. It makes no difference
where it is bestowed, it always brings in big returns.